kppc.drc.slcleaner module

An interface to the DrcSl.cpp Class.

class kppc.drc.slcleaner.PyDrcSl
def add_data(x1, x2, y1, y2)

Insert data into the scanline cleaner. The data is an edge that will be manhattanized and cleaned.


Edges should be added in such a way that the outwards face is left in the direction of p1 to p2. Klayout already does this nicely.

  • x1 (int) – x position of p1 of the edge

  • x2 (int) – y position of p1 of the edge

  • y1 (int) – x position of p2 of the edge

  • y2 (int) – y position of p2 of the edge

clean(x = 10)

Clean data in the vector for space and width violations.


x – number of max tries


Clean the current data for space violations.


Clean the current data for width violations.

init_list(x1: int, x2: int, y1: int, y2: int, viospace: int, viowidth: int)

(Re-)Initialize the Cleaner. x1,2 and y1,2 define the bounding box of the cleaner.


If a corner or a complete edge is outside the bounding box and is added through the add_data function, a Segmentation Fault will most likely occur and the module (including Klayout) crashes. Alternatively, it will just be confined to the bounding box and the rest will be cut off.

  • x1 (int) – left bound of box

  • x2 (int) – right bound of box

  • y1 (int) – bottom bound of box

  • y2 (int) – top bound of box

  • viospace (minimum space violation in database units) – minimum space violation in database units

  • viowidth (minimum width violation in database units) – minimum width violation in database units

get_row(ind: int)

Get the edge data back to python from the C++ object.


ind (int) – index of the row to retrieve data from


numpy array of the edges

get_row_types(ind: int)

Get the type of edges in that row.


ind (int) – index of the row


numpy array of types of edges (0 for upwards facing edge, 1 for downwards)


Returns list of crude polygons. The format is list of polygons, where a polygon is a list of tuples of (x,y)


polygons in the form [[(x1,y1),(x2,y2),…],…]



printvector(beg = -1, end = -1)

Print the data of rows/columns depending on current orientation

  • beg (int) – beginning of the rows/columns that should be printed

  • end (int) – ending of the rows/columns that should be printed


This property can be used to get the array size of the cleaner.


Size of the array of vectors.

Return type



Sort the data in ascending order. This will also delete invalid edges, i.e. touching / overlapping polygons will be merged.


Switch the orientation of the data. From row oriented to column oriented and vice-versa.

This wrapper is used to expose the design rule cleaner class to the python PCells of KLayout. The algorithm is pasted below. The algorithm uses a Scanline Rendering Algorithm to first convert the polygons from KLayout to manhattanized edges and then add them into an array representation of the polygon edges.

Source Code: DrcSl Source