Source code for kppc.drc

# This file is part of KLayoutPhotonicPcells, an extension for Photonic Layouts in KLayout.
# Copyright (c) 2018, Sebastian Goeldi
#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#   License, or (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#   along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""This module uses the C++ submodule :ref:`slcleaner <slcleaner>`. It has to be compiled after installing the

To compile the module execute the setup script :file:`scripts/`.
Or alternatively execute the :file:`python/kppc/drc/slcleaner_source/` with the python3 executable
and copy/move the resulting :file:`slcleaner.[...].so` library file ino the :file:`python/drc/` folder.

For further information consult the `Cython Documentation`_.

To execute the script open a console and execute the following commands:

.. code-block:: console

    cd ~/.klayout/salt/KLayoutPhotonicPCells/core/scripts

The bash script executes the following commands:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../scripts/
    :language: bash

.. _Cython Documentation:

import pya
from pathlib import Path
import kppc
import numpy as np
import time
import sys
import traceback
import subprocess
import signal
import multiprocessing

from importlib.util import find_spec

dir_path = Path(__file__).parent
cpp_path = dir_path.parent.parent.parent / "cpp"
sl_path = find_spec('kppc.drc.slcleaner')
can_multi = find_spec('kppc.drc.cleanermaster') and Path(cpp_path / 'build/cleanermain').exists() and kppc.settings.Multithreading.Enabled

# Check if C++ cleaner is compiled

if not sl_path:
    msg = pya.QMessageBox(pya.Application.instance().main_window())
    msg.text = 'To run the cleaner module, it has to be compiled first. Please execute {}/ before using' \
               'the module and reopen KLayout'.format(dir_path)
    msg.windowTitle = 'ImportError'

    compile_button = msg.addButton("Automatic Compilation", pya.QMessageBox.ButtonRole.NoRole)


    if msg.clickedButton() == compile_button:
        src_dir = cpp_path / "source"
        print('Trying to Compile')

        (cpp_path / 'build').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        p1 = subprocess.Popen(['python3', '', 'build_ext', '-b', dir_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
                              stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=src_dir)
        p2 = subprocess.Popen(['python3', '', 'build_ext', '-b', dir_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
                              stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=src_dir)
        p3 = subprocess.Popen(
            ('g++', cpp_path / 'source/CleanerMain.cpp', cpp_path / 'source/CleanerSlave.cpp',
             cpp_path / 'source/DrcSl.cpp', cpp_path / 'source/SignalHandler.cpp', '-o', cpp_path / 'build/cleanermain',
             '/usr/include/boost/', '-lboost_system', '-pthread', '-lboost_thread', '-lrt'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=src_dir)
        if p1.returncode == 0 and p2.returncode == 0 and p3.returncode == 0:
            msg = pya.QMessageBox(pya.Application.instance().main_window())
            msg.text = 'The compilation was successful'
            msg.Title = 'Compilation'
            can_multi = find_spec('kppc.drc.cleanermaster') and Path(dir_path / 'cleanermain').exists() and kppc.settings.Multithreading.Enabled
            import kppc.drc.slcleaner
            msg = pya.QMessageBox(pya.Application.instance().main_window())
            msg.text = 'The compilation failed. Please compile manually\n Return Code slcleaner: {}\n Return Code ' \
                       'cleanermaster: {}\n Return Code: {}\n}'.format(p1.returncode, p2.returncode, p3.returncode)
            msg.Title = 'Compilation'
            kppc.logger.error(f'Compilation failed. Return codes: {p1.returncode} , {p2.returncode} {p3.returncode}')

    import kppc.drc.slcleaner

if not can_multi:"Cannot use multiprocessing, falling back to single thread cleaning")
    kppc.settings.Multithreading.Enabled = False
else:"Using the multiprocessing module")
if find_spec('kppc.drc.cleanermaster') and Path(cpp_path / 'build/cleanermain').exists():
    import kppc.drc.cleanermaster

[docs]def clean(cell: 'pya. Cell', cleanrules: list): """ Clean a cell for width and space violations. This function will clear the output layers of any shapes and insert a cleaned region. :param cell: pointer to the cell that needs to be cleaned :param cleanrules: list with the layerpurposepairs, violationwidths and violationspaces in the form [[[layer, purpose], violationwidth, violationspace], [[layer2, purpose2], violationwidth2, violationspace2], ...] """ sl = kppc.drc.slcleaner.PyDrcSl() if kppc.settings.General.Progressbar: progress = pya.RelativeProgress('Cleaning Design Rule Violations', len(cleanrules)) for cr in cleanrules: # split the rules into their parts layer_spec, violation_width, violation_space = cr ln, ld = layer_spec if ln is None: continue layer = cell.layout().layer(ln, ld) if kppc.settings.General.Progressbar: progress.format = 'Layer {}/{}'.format(ln, ld) # Get the bounding box of the layer and initialize the cleaner bbox = cell.bbox_per_layer(layer) if bbox.empty(): if kppc.settings.General.Progressbar: continue sl.init_list(bbox.p1.x, bbox.p2.x, bbox.p1.y, bbox.p2.y, violation_space, violation_width) # Retrieve the recursive shapeit = cell.begin_shapes_rec(layer) shapeit.shape_flags = pya.Shapes.SPolygons | pya.Shapes.SBoxes # feed the data into the cleaner reg = pya.Region(shapeit) reg.merge() for poly in reg.each_merged(): for edge in poly.each_edge(): sl.add_data(edge.x1, edge.x2, edge.y1, edge.y2) # Sort the edges in an ascending order. Also, removes touching edges or edges within other shapes. sl.sort() if violation_width != 1 and violation_space != 1: sl.clean() # Create a region from the cleaned data. This is a bit slow. There might be a way to do it faster. The # Region merge seems to be the most time consuming process. region_cleaned = pya.Region() for row in range(bbox.p1.y, bbox.p2.y): r = sl.get_row(row) if r.size: y1 = row y2 = row + 1 for x1, x2 in zip(r[::2], r[1::2]): region_cleaned.insert(pya.Box(int(x1), int(y1), int(x2), int(y2))) region_cleaned.merge() # Clean the target layer and fill in the cleaned data cell.clear(layer) cell.shapes(layer).insert(region_cleaned) if kppc.settings.General.Progressbar: if kppc.settings.General.Progressbar: progress._destroy()
[docs]def multiprocessing_clean(cell: 'pya. Cell', cleanrules: list): """ Clean a cell for width and space violations. This function will clear the output layers of any shapes and insert a cleaned region. Does the cleaning in a seperate Process started as a childprocess, which will calculate in parallel with multiple threads. :param cell: pointer to the cell that needs to be cleaned :param cleanrules: list with the layerpurposepairs, violationwidths and violationspaces in the form [[[layer, purpose], violationwidth, violationspace], [[layer2, purpose2], violationwidth2, violationspace2], ...] """ t = time.time() cm = kppc.drc.cleanermaster.PyCleanerMaster() if kppc.settings.Multithreading.Automatic:"Automatic Multithreading") cs = subprocess.Popen([cpp_path / 'build/cleanermain', ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) else: n = kppc.settings.Multithreading.Threads if n < 1: n = 1 elif n > multiprocessing.cpu_count(): kppc.logger.warning(f'Trying to intialize with {n} threads. The hardware only supports {multiprocessing.cpu_count()} threads. Settings to hardware maximum') n = multiprocessing.cpu_count() kppc.settings.Multithreading._Threads_MAX = n'Multithreading with {n} Threads') cs = subprocess.Popen([cpp_path / 'build/cleanermain', str(n), ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if kppc.settings.General.Progressbar: processedlayers = {} for cr in cleanrules: layer_spec, violation_width, violation_space = cr ln, ld = layer_spec processedlayers['{}/{}'.format(ln, ld)] = False progress = pya.RelativeProgress('Preparing Output Layers', len(cleanrules)) progress.format = 'Processed {} of {} layers'.format(0, len(cleanrules)) try: len_cr = len(cleanrules) count = 0 skip = 0 for cr in cleanrules: # split the rules into their parts layer_spec, violation_width, violation_space = cr ln, ld = layer_spec if ln is None: continue layer = cell.layout().layer(ln, ld) # Get the bounding box of the layer and initialize the cleaner bbox = cell.bbox_per_layer(layer) if bbox.empty() or np.abs(bbox.p1.x - bbox.p2.x) < violation_width or np.abs( bbox.p1.y - bbox.p2.y) < violation_width: skip += 1 if kppc.settings.General.Progressbar: progress.format = 'Processed {} of {} Output Layers and scheduled for Cleaning'.format( count + skip, len_cr) continue else: cm.set_box(ln, ld, violation_width, violation_space, bbox.p1.x, bbox.p2.x, bbox.p1.y, bbox.p2.y) # Retrieve the recursive shapeit = cell.begin_shapes_rec(layer) shapeit.shape_flags = pya.Shapes.SPolygons | pya.Shapes.SBoxes # Feed the data into the cleaner reg = pya.Region(shapeit) reg.merge() for poly in reg.each_merged(): for edge in poly.each_edge(): cm.add_edge(edge.x1, edge.x2, edge.y1, edge.y2) while cm.done(): time.sleep(.1) count += 1 if kppc.settings.General.Progressbar: progress.format = 'Processed {} of {} Output Layers and scheduled for Cleaning'.format(count + skip, len_cr) if kppc.settings.General.Progressbar: progress._destroy() progress = pya.RelativeProgress('Cleaning Design Rule Violations', count) progress.format = 'Cleaned Violations in {} of {} Layers. Next expected layer: {}'.format(0, count, next( (x for x in processedlayers.keys() if not processedlayers[x]), None)) for i in range(count): while True: polygons = cm.polygons() waiting = np.all(polygons[0][0] == (-1, -1)) if waiting: time.sleep(1) continue else: ln, ld = polygons[0][0][0], polygons[0][0][1] layer = cell.layout().layer(ln, ld) bbox = cell.bbox_per_layer(layer) region_cleaned = pya.Region() for p in polygons[1:]: region_cleaned.insert(pya.Polygon([pya.Point(x[0], x[1]) for x in p])) region_cleaned.merge() # Clean the target layer and fill in the cleaned data cell.clear(layer) cell.shapes(layer).insert(region_cleaned) if kppc.settings.General.Progressbar: processedlayers['{}/{}'.format(ln, ld)] = True text = 'Cleaned Violations in {} of {} Layers. Next expected layer: {}' text = text.format(i + 1, count, next((x for x in processedlayers.keys() if not processedlayers[x]), None)) progress.format = text break except Exception as e: kppc.logger.error(e) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) finally: kppc.logger.debug("Done. Time passed: {}".format(time.time() - t)) cs.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) cs.wait() if kppc.settings.General.Progressbar: progress._destroy()